To some of you this may not make sense because your family schedule may be a little more typical than Husband's and mine...I am so giddy because of how spoiled I'm going to be this weekend. Husband is off work this holiday weekend and I could not be a happier gal! The last weekend we spent together? Honestly, I couldn't tell you - it's been that long. Our schedules make us pass in the night. I'm gone during the weekdays. Husband, gone on the evenings and weekends. But this weekend, I'm going to soak in every blessed moment I have with my favorite person on earth. We are going to make simple, but good memories. We were supposed to be traveling this weekend for our babymoon, but due to my
job situation we unfortunately are not taking our before-baby-trip. But at this point in life, I am just so excited to have dedicated time with Husband. We're going to pack as much as we can into the next three days with a 4th of July parade, fireworks, vegan ice cream eating, restaurant adventures, a day trip up to Milwaukee, and even a few small projects around our house. Regardless of what we do, this weekend my soul is going to be fed and nurtured. I feel so blessed and thankful.
Follow along on Instagram @passionateparsley and have a fantastic 4th of July weekend!
Have a great time. These are the days you will always remember as precious! Grama and Grandpa