17 Weeks

I'm finally getting to the point in this pregnancy where people who don't know, are looking at me and asking when I am due! It is a pretty strange thing, really. Then they ask "how have you been feeling?" Um, well to be honest, not that great. — And that is usually not what they expect me to say. But they asked, right? Pregnancy for me has been the most bizarre experience. I have been so elated, that even though I've been battling "morning" sickness and was hospitalized, I actually really have been savoring pregnancy. Yes, there are points when it hasn't been fun, but overarching, I like it. I guess in my head, I know that these months have been a struggle, but once this little baby of ours arrives, it will all be worth it.

16 week photo

Quote: To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, throughly woman, and undoubtedly inhabited. — Anne Buchanan & Debra Klingsporn

Baby Size: Our baby is the size of a pear, weighing approximately 5.9 ounces and measuring 5.1 inches!

Weight Gain: After being admitted into the ED last week, I had a follow-up appointment with my primary OB, at my weigh-in, I had gained two pounds, totaling in three!

"Morning" Sickness: As I've mentioned before, I was prescribed zofran to help me maintain my nausea and keep down my meals, and it was working! Until I got two put-me-out-of-commission migraines...So today is day three without taking the zofran. Without the medication I've been battling the nausea and some vomiting, but not as bad as before. Hopefully sometime in this second trimester I'll get over the "morning" sickness stage and get back to feeling 100%. Time will tell! In the meantime, I'll continue snacking on toast and hope my doctor allows me to stay off the zofran.

Excited for: Three things...
1. To hopefully, sometime soon, start feeling the baby's movements.
2. Tuesday I have the day off work with Husband and we are going to work on our registry. I'm super eager because we rarely ever have a day off to be together!
3. Thursday I have another doctors appointment and my mom is going to join us — she wants to hear our little pear's heartbeat!

Thankful for: I am overwhelmed how caring all my friends, family, coworkers and Husband have been through these first few months. Nothing could replace how remarkable they each are!

Next up for my Saturday, I need to plan this week's menu. This whole pregnancy, menu planning has been a huge struggle! As you know, especially since this blog usually is mostly about food, I love menu planning, grocery shopping and cooking. But, oh boy...now it is like pulling teeth! Maybe it has something to do with the fact that nothing even sounds that good to eat. This past week Husband uncovered our grill and I made veggie kabobs and herbed quinoa. If anyone has any great, simple menu ideas, I am all ears!

Happy Saturday!

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