
A few years back in my old blog space I wrote about picking a word for the new year. This year it is INTENTIONAL.

For relationships.
For family.
For everyday.

I feel like so many people wait on the sidelines of their life, me included. We're waiting for something...but what? I want to be intentional. I want to live this life I've been given —and guess what? We each only get one life! I want a life full of adventure, full of stories. So full that when I am old and gray, I want stacks of filled journals, boxes upon boxes of photographs, memories that need to be told to the next generations and the wrinkles to match it all. I want my life to be a fully written story and the only way to have this sort of life is having an INTENTIONAL life.

There are thing I miss dearly — hobbies and such. Why am I not doing them? There are places I want to visit. New activities and adventures to be had. The only way to accomplish these are with a life of INTENTION.

So 2014 be ready to be fully lived and stretched because you're going to be the INTENTIONAL year.

Last night we didn't ring in the new year in the most glamourous fashion, but we decided to have a quiet night and go to the theatre, which we hardly do. Husband and I saw The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I highly recommend the film, especially as we start a new year. On top of being especially creative and talented filming, the message strikes home. It is charming and about self-discovery. I'll leave it at that — just see it — you'll thank me.

Anyway, curious to all who are reading out there, do you have a 2014 word? If not, think about it...what would it be? Share in the comments section below, I'd love to hear!

One last neat reminder — Lisa Lenard, jewelry designer, has new word pendants on her website for sale — for New Years words. Very cool! Go check that out here, and order one as a constant reminder to live your 2014 word!

Go. Live. 2014.

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