Happy Halloween

I love halloween. Well, let me clarify. I don't like the scary demon-like halloween, I like the fun side of halloween.

I like the kids in costumes. Especially the creative costumes and the homemade costumes — those are the best.

I like handing out candy to all the trick-or-treaters.

I like the mums, scarecrows and the glowing jack-o-lanterns.

I like the roasted pumpkin seeds that are so hot you burn your tongue right out of the oven. Well not the burn your tongue part...but you get it.

I like the smell of pumpkin pie candles burning.

I like the piping hot cider.

I like the crisp cool air and the sound of the excited children walking up and down the street.

I like watching an old-fashioned, black and white scary movie after all the trick-or-treating is over.

And this year, well I like my little dog in a costume. I know, I know! I always said I would never dress my dog up, but here it is...my dog...dressed up...as a halloween bat:

I'm so excited for tomorrow! Happy Halloween all.