I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness, doubled by wonder.
—G.K. Chesterton
Friday morning I got up when the house was still quiet, Nick and Valor still sleeping. I had words pushing through my consciousness and they begged to be written. I wrapped up in my favorite hoodie, tucked my feet in a pair of warm slippers, brewed coffee and escaped to my office and I wrote. Words always are circling in my head but the speed of life there are so many times they're lost without the time to jot them down. I'm so thankful for a husband who encourages my writing and allows me the time, when there is time to be had.
Why do mothers write?
Maybe they're drawn to poetry writing
because of it's semblance
to giving birth—
the seed
the silence
the attachment
the nurturing
the wait
setting it all free.*
Oh, and if you want to see what words I birthed on Friday, you can read it here: Indescribable Motherhood.
New book I'm reading — Long Days of Small Things: Motherhood as a Spiritual Discipline
by Catherine McNeil. For those of you who think I blast through books, I don't. I have about six I am reading at the same time. I start, switch, then go back. Maybe not the best way to read books, but that is just the stage of life I'm in now.
A favorite meal in our home are spring rolls. We recently discovered a spring roll bowl recipe that we've made twice in the last few weeks. So delish!
A friend so kindly gave us her son's train table since he has outgrown it. We surprised Valor with it Saturday evening – he was crazy excited! We then took Valor shopping for a few more train toys for his new table. It's been non-stop train playing at our house (Nick and I even got to drink hot mugs of coffee in another room while he played. Is this real life?!).
A friend so kindly gave us her son's train table since he has outgrown it. We surprised Valor with it Saturday evening – he was crazy excited! We then took Valor shopping for a few more train toys for his new table. It's been non-stop train playing at our house (Nick and I even got to drink hot mugs of coffee in another room while he played. Is this real life?!).
I'm feeling grateful for a rainy weekend. We stayed in most of the weekend, cozied up in our pjs. We snuggled, ate popcorn and watched (half) a movie as a family. Also, our lawn is now a vivid green that looks so lush!
I'm feeling grateful for a rainy weekend. We stayed in most of the weekend, cozied up in our pjs. We snuggled, ate popcorn and watched (half) a movie as a family. Also, our lawn is now a vivid green that looks so lush!
The simple things in life often bring the biggest smiles. Valor discovered bubble wrap this past week. We spent quite a bit of time laughing and dancing around on the clear plastic bubbles. Yes, simple pleasures are best.
With all the rain, Valor and I (meaning me, while he followed behind undoing my work) took out all his playroom toys and reorganized it all! This was a major, multi-hour feat. I filled baskets with baby/younger toys and put them away on high shelves. These toys were a major culprit of the disaster condition of the playroom — they were enticing to dump in the middle of the rug, yet really weren't being played with. So here's to hoping out of sight, out of mind!
With all the rain, Valor and I (meaning me, while he followed behind undoing my work) took out all his playroom toys and reorganized it all! This was a major, multi-hour feat. I filled baskets with baby/younger toys and put them away on high shelves. These toys were a major culprit of the disaster condition of the playroom — they were enticing to dump in the middle of the rug, yet really weren't being played with. So here's to hoping out of sight, out of mind!
*From "On Poeming" Announcing the Thaw (Finishing Line Press 2014)