Project 365 — Week 3

A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. — Eudora Welty

15/365 — Brunch with Grandma

16/365 — Bubble machine

17/365 — A boy and his dog

18/365 — Story time with Daddy

19/365 — Braxton, in desperate need of grooming.

20/365 — Crib mobile stares

21/365 — Chubby baby legs and adorable wiggly toes

Project 365 — Week 2

Time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life. — Brian Andreas

8/365 — lashes for days

9/365 — MamaRoo nap, holding his precious arms up.

10/365 — naked baby hugs

11/365 — Look ma, I can stand!

12/365 — Our big, bright-eyed boy.

13/365 — We're so blessed that Valor and Nick get to spend their days together.

14/365 — Friday playdate, charming the socks off baby Leah.

Project 365 — Week 1

We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone. We take photos to recall - with greater vibrancy - those experiences that have shaped and made us. We take photos to bridge distance and shorten time, to lend legacy to the little things and life to the forgotten. And we take photos to feel like artists on a Tuesday - and storytellers on a Sunday.
—Katie Thurmes

1/365 — Discovering he can hold his own toys.

2/365 — Bath time

3/365 — Reading I Love You, Stinky Face with Grandma

4/365 — Diaper change fun with Daddy

5/365 — This boy loves sucking on his hands and fingers!

6/365 — Working hard at tummy time.

7/365 — Aunt Joy came for a visit!

Photo 365 Project

My goal for 2015 is to be better at recording life with my camera. Have you seen people who take a picture every day of the year? It's a good goal that will ensure I capture life's beautiful memories. Photographs with a real camera...not just my iPhone.

So here's my start, photos of my handsome baby. Yesterday Valor had his four month well-baby visit, complete with vaccinations. Today Valor wasn't feeling well and running a fever, so we laid on the bed, cuddled and snapped a few photographs. I cannot believe he has over tripled in size since we brought him home from the hospital. 12 pounds, 12 ounces and 24 inches long!

Happy Four Month Birthday

My Valor,

How have four months gone by? This last month especially went by fast as it was filled to the brim. As you continue to grow, I continue to grow more amazed by you. For being so small, you have taught me so very much about life and what is truly important. I've learned so much about true priorities in these last four months and I am eternally grateful.

Valor you love sucking on your fists and I am wondering if you're going to find your thumb. You like to make bubbles with your mouth and are starting to drool quite a bit. This last month you've learned to move all over your crib at night. It is so much fun to come in for your night feedings and see what position you are in each time. You are "talking" a lot and learning to stick out your tongue and make raspberries. And as always, your smiles light up my world! Tummy time is still not your favorite, but we are working on it! Your physical therapist is going to be so happy with the progress you are making — you are turning your head to the left much easier now. Your four month check up isn't for another week, but we are sure excited to see how long you are and how much you weigh! I've heard you giggle a time or two and look forward to hearing more in the next month!

This past month we got to celebrate your very first Christmas! On Christmas Eve, you attended your very first church service. We sat up close, you sat on my lap and enjoyed the music, but when it came to the first prayer, you decided it was time to cry. So you, Daddy and I watched the rest of the service from the crying room. You had your very first sleep over at Grandma and Papa's house on Christmas Eve with me.

I love you more than all the stars in the sky. My love for you is so high, and so wide and so deep. You are loved — always and forever,

Welcoming 2015

Happy 2015!

I never could have imagined what 2014 would hold for us last January. Pregnancy, celebrated five years of marriagejob loss, two emergency surgeries, a new baby, and so much more. If I had one word that summarized 2014, without a doubt, the word would be "grace." 2014 will always be the year I look back on and say it was the year I fully learned and embraced the free and unmerited favor of God. We were bestowed with many blessings — some hidden at the time.

Even though it was a year of trials, I would not change a thing, It strengthened Husband's and my relationship. It taught me to fully rely on God. I learned to ask for help — and receive it. All my pride was shattered. In 2014 I learned the true meaning of family, friendship and love. My heart doubled in size.

This January 1st, I could guess all I want, but who knows what is in store for 2015. All I do know is that it is going to be an adventure. This year I will not wish away life. Each and every minute of our lives have been leading us to this moment...and it is priceless. This moment we are in right now is the only one guaranteed. This moment is your life — Don't miss it!

Counting my blessings and wishing you more in 2015.